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Give a Hand to Online Poker
February 18th, 2023
Chances are that you have played online poker in the past, or are even a big fan of the game. Many online casino gamblers don’t even know other games, playing online poker only at the sites. But for those who are not among this group, and who need some encouragement or an invitation to join it, here are a few words to help you make up your mind. Pker is such a great game and the online casino industry has done so much to make it even better nand more entertaining, that one cannot walk away without being impressed.
For little was missing from the game of poker before it made it on online casinos. Poker had many versions and strategies, making it diverse, challenging and competitive every time you met up with friends or played a tournament. With the online poker games, the versions have multiplied many times, with themed games and terrifically exciting promotions. Online poker has made the game into a universe, the basic into the perfect. There’s a game for everyone at online poker sites. Give poker a hand, it deserves one.
First Thing in the Morning
February 15th, 2023
Years ago, when I would wake up, I would press the button and turn on the kettle even before I turn on the light. Then I find the door knob, turn it and bring in the newspaper from the doorstep. If I would even look at the front page, it would be for the headline, nothing more than that. I would instead go directly to the Sports section. But this was years ago, and it has changed since, with the invention of the internet, for one.
See, I am no longer subscribed to receiving the daily newsppaer on a daily basis. Sure, it comes around the weekend, three days of the week, mainly for keeping the habit of sitting on the front lawn, coffee (coffee again?) and newspaper on my lap. But on a regular morning i go to the computer and check out the news over there. and guess what the default home page is set to on my computer - and me being a news freak if i may say so myself - it is online gambling news!
Sometimes Giving Tips is Nice
February 13th, 2023
We all go out, be it to restaurants or bars, cafes or other venues where we are served by waiters and witresses, and at the end of which we leave a tip behind. Our perception of tipping is quite convulated, confused and if I may say so myself, wrong. We often look at the service givers as unfortunate, complied to do what they do and all we can do is credit them with a few bills. We wish we could do more.
But giving service that deserves a tip is not all bad, not at all. Granted, I’ve never been a waitress myself, but I have given out service in the online casino context, service that is called tips but most defenitely deserves a tip in response. I apprecuiate forums and discussion rooms where tips are asked for and given ut. If I have some knowledge I learn I share it right away. It won’t hurt me, and it actually makes me feel good about myself.
Tips for Looking Up Online Casino Reviews
February 11th, 2023
Online casino reviews are the starting point for me, as well as for many fellow gamblers that I know, when about to play at a new online casino. And rightly so. There are folk out there whose job it is to surf the web all day, try out the sites, the games, test their security protection and so on, at least as i gather their job to be. Then at the end of the day report what they found.
Good online casinos are creditted with positive reviews, leading to me and people like me gambling at these sites. And to tell you something - this has worked every single time for three years for me. (Knock on wood…) Beter yet, I’ve designed a better more focused system for reviewing the reviews. With my web browser, I search for certain words and look at the review that includes these words (in positive context). If you want an emphasis on games or promotions, look up these words and go to that online casino. Good luck!
Don’t Skip the Sports News Either
February 8th, 2023
It is said and recommended, and often repeated, that serious gamblers must read the online casino news and keep updated with all that is going on around the industry. This includes new games releases, security features, attractive or noteworthy casino specials (promotions and bonuses mostly) and the such. But there is much more news surrounding the online casino world than the strict online casino news category. As closed in and specific as one might think the online casino industry to be, it actually spans greater fields and includes elements from the “real world” as well.
Take for example sports. Sports betting of different kinds, different sports professions and from all over the world are quite common at online casino and certainly much loved by many gamblers. This has some consequences with regard to the news that gamblers are recommended keeping on top of. Sports news are also important to read. At that, not only your local papers sports supplement, but also any development that goes around the world and is related to your field of betting. Luckily, like online casino gambling, this too is easily accessible on the Web.
North Star Is My Online Casino Guide
February 6th, 2023
Online casinos are, naturally, places where superstition is quite common. It comes to fore also when inquiring among gamblers what and who they use as a guide in their games of chance. For even if you think you are free of such influences, the fact that you are playing a game based on luck, and at times only luck, there is room there to be filled. The responses you will hear may be rather conventional, stating a certain, mainstream online casino portal, or a best selling book.
But there is plenty of space to be filled with the more obscure or even all-out random responses. Of these, signs, constellations and stars are quite popular, not to forget the sun and the moon and even the now-deceased Pluto… Perhaps online casino gamblers are much like wanderers in the desert, where the Northern star helps them find their way. It is scientifically sane and valid, and yet smells strong of superstition. But we go with what works best for us.
I placed my stakes on love…
January 31st, 2023
Hi! I would like to tell everyone who’s reading my blog a great story! I really like to have fun and usually the boyfriends I pick are nice guys who take m to fancy places! Well this one time I decided to go out with a really simple fellow! So not a yuppie! And he would take me to simple places like the movies or burgers! But his one time he invited me to his place to play at the online casino! Wow! I never expected that I would love online casino games so much!
And the best game that he showed me at the online casino was online casino roulette! Before, I was sure that you can play roulette only at a regular land-based casino! However, now I figured that online casino roulette is even more fun than a traditional game! This fellow of mine showed me all the rules of playing at the online casino and I had the time of my life! Now we are getting married! Life is so weird! First you fall in love with online casino roulette and then you fall in love with the guy who helped you discover this marvelous online casino game!
Online casino blackjack is not all that black!
January 29th, 2023
Hello, everyone! Let me tell you a heart-warming story that occurred to me! Anyway, I used to have a really bad relationship with my old man! We wouldn’t talk much and we would see each other on rare occasions. So, when I had to move in with him for a month it was kind of a blow for me! But I had no money and no choice! But the first night that I would stay at my folk’s house I saw my dad playing at the online casino. He was playing online casino blackjack! And I happen to be a huge fan of online casino blackjack!
So, I was kind o shy in the beginning, but then I invited myself to play! And Dad was ok with that!! He was happy that I joined him at the online casino! He gave me some great tips on how to play online casino blackjack and showed me this great forum on the Internet where all the online casino blackjack fans would gather and discuss the strategies and rules of playing blackjack at the online casino! And after that night I and my dad become really close!
Love can make you do crazy stuff!
January 24th, 2023
I am gonna tell you a hell of a story! Well, I’ve been crushing on this guy and he was totally into online casinos! He liked to play the online casino day and night and there was nothing in this world that would interest him more than online casino blackjack! And I really wanted to go out with him! But I never played at the online casino and I certainly didn’t know much about online casino blackjack!
So, anyway, this guy told me that if I wanted to go out with him – I must learn how to play at the online casino and I must become a total online casino pro! Hat kin of a condition is that! So, anyway, I started playing online casino blackjack and pretty soon I was really good at it! Who could have thought that I would be able to play online casino blackjack better than my prince charming! O, not only I am an online casino expert now I also got the guy!
My knockout idea for online casino officials!
January 22nd, 2023
So here is somethin from a huge fan of online casinos… My entire family and all my friends know that I can spend hours and days playing online casino games at my favorite online casino! In addition to me being a total fan of the online casino I have a lot of ideas that are connected to this industry! Some of my friends find those ideas weird; however, I think that the online casino industry would only benefit from my strokes of genius!
For instance, you know how you can find online gambling news at a lot of online casino websites? As the matter of fact a lot of online casino players are really interested in reading all the top online gambling news! So, I thought, wouldn’t it be a cool idea if there could be an entire channel on television that would demonstrate only the online gambling news! This way, all people who like to play at the online casino, will be able to enjoy the news also on TV!
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