Archive for November, 2022
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The advantage of online casino blackjack
30 November 2022Well, maybe not THE advantage of online casino blackjack, but a considerable one nonetheless. An advantage that makes life simpler, no doubt. And it goes something like this: Remember when we would walk into a casino, be it in Las Vegas or Atlantic City or elsewhere at the reservations, say, and carried a pocket size […]
Online casino developing language skills
29 November 2022For anyone who follows online casino news and events - and you don’t need to be half as religious about it as me – you must have realized that online casinos are going global. Not only because the gambling sites are being driven out of the USofA (we’ll see what ends up happening on that […]
Online casino news as a window to the world
28 November 2022I’ve come to realize that online casino news are more than just industry news. Or that the industry is more than just a narrow corner of human life and activity. They serve, the news stories that are found at online casinos, as a window to the world…
For instance, human stories of people who won considerable […]
Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
27 November 2022Any beginning online casino player should be aware of the fact that there is more to the online casino than what meets the eye! For instance you know all those online casino bonuses that are so popular? Well, it’s all a scam I tell you! Call me bitter or whatever, but I have fallen into […]
Best online casino tip is no (waitress) tips
26 November 2022I have nothing against waitresses and strongly believe they should be tipped, handsomely. Oh yes. But the point that I raise in the subject of this blog entry is that you don’t need to drink at all when playing games at an online casino. Now, after reading this short entry, you will have two rules […]
Guides don’t need to hold your hand
23 November 2022Online casino gambling, at the end of the day, is about you. You are there in front of the computer and you are the one putting down YOUR money. So guides, advice, tips and experts can stay out of the room when you’re playing. It’s you and the game, you and the computer, simple as […]
Who Disturbs My Slumber? – Online Casino!!
22 November 2022I and my girlfriends were having a slumber party, even though we are all above the age 40 we still do that kind of stuff!! It’s fun and we feel really young and we can do anything that comes to mind!! So this time we decided to play at the online casino! I went to […]
Craps stretch from Egypt to Online Casinos
21 November 2022Here’s something I learned recently while surfing the Web. It was rather new to me as history often is. Yeah, history is new in some ways… although I thought that online casino craps is a new game, cutting edge and modern, it actually goes back. Way back. Back to ancient Egypt. Back 4,500 years. Through […]
Bond’s favorite casino game
20 November 2022I looked it up and saw that the first James Bond novel to ever come out, Casino Royale, is also the last movie to come out. While I don’t know the number of books Ian Fleming wrote in the series (I believe it is about a dozen), there are 21 movies in which you can […]
Online Poker Made My Wife Pregnant
19 November 2022I’m not gonna pretend that I’m some kind of online casino pervert, but there’s one thing that I must admit: online casino poker is the one thing that really turns me on! It works better than any Viagra or whatever else chemical thingy those scientists have invented!! It’s amazing, really! Each time I even write […]
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