SkaLinks Exchange Script Installer
Before starting installation, please make sure that you read installation manual - the installation process is decribed step by step in this document.

In short, the following requirements should be met.

For the following directories you should set 777 permissions manually:

• script_root_directory (for example: /my/home/dir/)
• db backup folder (for example: /my/home/dir/admin/db_backup/)
• .htaccess file (for example: /my/home/dir/.htaccess)
• cache directory ( for example: /my/home/dir/cache/ )
• compile directory ( for example: /my/home/dir/compile/ )

Remember that if you already have some earlier version of SkaLinks script installed, as a value for $_mysql_dbname variable you should specify the name of the MySQL database that is used by the previously installed script. Otherwise, you should create a new database on the server manually and specify its name.

After you run the installation module and make sure that installation process went smoothly and properly, you should delete the install directory from your server! We strongly recommend that you do it for security reasons. If the directory remains on the server, anyone will be able to ruin your site’s settings.

After installation, please, go to "Settings" page and make all necessary changes.

SkaLinks Forum Support Installation support
Step 1. Paths and URLs
Parameter Value Description
$_url_main_site Here you should specify the correct URL of your main site’s home page. For example: Note that trailing “/” symbol is mandatory!
$_url_root Here you should specify the correct URL of the directory with SkaLinks script. For example: Note that trailing “/” symbol is mandatory!
$_dir_root Here you should specify the correct path to the home directory of your site in the server file system. For example: /my/home/directory/ Note that trailing “/” symbol is mandatory!
Step 2. Site options
Parameter Value Description
$_page_title The value that is assigned to this variable will appear as a part of every page's title generated by the script.
$_site_full The full name of your site that will be used throughout the pages. For example: “My Site Online Services”.
$_site_description Full description of your site that will be used in letter templates.
$_site_brand Brand name’s purpose is close to the one of the full name. It is a shorter presentation of the site name. For example: “MySite” – this brand name will be used in e-mail templates.
Step 3. MySQL Database configuration
Parameter Value Description
$_mysql_username The user name to connect to MySQL database.
$_mysql_userpwd The password to connect to MySQL database.
$_mysql_host The name of MySQL server. For example: localhost if the server is situated on your site.
$_mysql_dbname The name of MySQL database.