Facts about Online Blackjack?

June 22, 2022 on 7:21 am | In Online Blackjack |

Can anyone tell me why online blackjack isn’t as popular as online poker? It seems like blackjack is an easier game to play, and goes faster than a game of poker. Is it because of the payouts, which tend to be bigger in online poker? I’m just trying to figure this out because I want to gamble at online casinos but I’m conflicted as to what games to play! I know that online poker is, like, the sophisticated game, but I think that online blackjack should be the most popular game around.

I mean, online blackjack is all-inclusive. There’s rarely anyone turned away. And it’s a bit more personal than online poker, because you’re just playing against the dealer. I talk to a lot of people, and I read a lot of research, that says online poker is more popular than online blackjack, and I would like to know why. It’s not like not having the answer to this is driving me insane, but if it is worth my time to play online blackjack I want to know what’s going on with it.

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