Blackjack to go multiplayer
October 10, 2022 on 4:44 am | In Online Blackjack |As a blackjack fan (fine, I admit, I LOVE THIS GAME!), I wish to share the good news. I read somewhere on some online casinos news site that soon we will get a new version of online blackjack. Familiar with multiplayer poker, where you play against a bunch of people all over the world that are online at the same time, then this time we will get a similar concept only for online blackjack.
Now that’s gonna be fun, I bet. People love blackjack and (this article said) some 40 percent of business at regular casinos comes from blackjack. Also, the multiplayer version of online poker was a tremendous hit, with billions rolling there. Now mix the two and you get multiplayer online blackjack. Wow, the sound of that… This could be a good X-Mas gift for me. Yeah, why not. I hope it’s around by then.
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