Goa explores casino world
September 20, 2022 on 11:01 am | In Online Gambling News |The state of Goa in India is exploring the idea of becoming a mini vegas, I exaggerate of course, but it looks like there is some movement there in the gambling direction. Since the online casino scene is light years away from becoming a national craze (because seriously, you can’t get a decent internet connection there), it looks like this is the right move. Actually the Indian congress is leading a move that invites proposals to set up ten offshore casinos.
There is a lot of opposition to the governments plan; they are saying that Goa will change into a dangerous place and would promote a ‘prostitution and gambling centric tourism’. Goa, I hear, is a beautiful place - haven’t been there, but as it happens, some of my best friends are Indians, and they believe that Goa will just get stronger from a move like this.
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